Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Gabriel-era Genesis

Warning: contains mythical lyrics and organ solos.

Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
Released: 1973

This could have been an 8, however 1 point must be taken off for that ghey shouty-chorus bit.


Firth of Fifth
Released: 1973

This could have been an 9, however 1 point must be taken off for the following lyric:
The mountain cuts off the town from view,
Like a cancer growth is removed by skill.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Best Album of the 80s

Well, it's The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths, innit? What else was there? Disintegration? Doolittle? Joshua Tree? Bah!

Two choice cuts for the uninitiated:

Bigmouth Strikes Again
Released: 1986

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking when I said /
I'd like to smash every tooth in your head

Enough said.


The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
Released: 1986

Morrissey switches into whimsical romantic mode, with Marr's jangling, florid guitar lines again providing the perfect accompaniment.


Friday, December 02, 2005

Brian Eno - The True Wheel

Released: 1974
Download It

Before Brian went off the deep end and decided it would be interesting to listen to the same 3 notes played over and over and over again for 25-fucken-minutes, he managed to release a few decent pop albums.
