Tuesday, May 17, 2005

La Luna - Selepas Kau Pergi

Track Review
Released: 2004
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Despite initially having a similar melody to Catatonia's "For Tinkerbell", Selepas Kau Pergi (Translated : Let You Go) soon shakes of any similarities and becomes it's own song.

It's a hardboiled sweet of a song, easily forgotten, even while enjoying it. It's even tempo carries you along quite enjoyably, if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.

Until at 2:06 where a strange discordant chiming starts up in the background reminding you that everything is not rosy, everything is not sugary sweet, life doesn't work like that chump. Sometimes life stabs you in the heart and laughs at you for having a small penis.

Bangsat Loe.



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